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Feb 28, 20233 min read
Our Sanctification and God's Glory
This past Sunday, my pastor spoke about the distinction between justification and sanctification. Referencing WLC 70 and 75 he showed how...

Jan 31, 20232 min read
The Bible is Not a Dogmatic Handbook
What is the Bible? This seems like an obvious question and yet it is one that can easily fly under the radar. A lot of people operate on...

Dec 20, 20223 min read
The Beauty of the Incarnation: The Tent-Dwelling God
The concept of a divine incarnation was offensive to many people in the era of the New Testament. This was especially the case with the...

Dec 7, 20223 min read
Enjoying God Forever
The Westminster Catechisms begin by articulating the basic purpose of mankind; to glorify God and to fully enjoy him forever. Perhaps one...

Oct 25, 20224 min read
Why 'Biblical Theology' is an Unhelpful Term
If you search 'Biblical Theology' on Wikipedia, the first sentence you will read is, "Because scholars have tended to use the term in...

Oct 12, 20224 min read
Dispensationalism Gets in the Way of the Old Testament
I loved my undergraduate years. I did my studies at the Moody Bible Institute and I cherish that school deep in my heart. I would still...

Sep 14, 20225 min read
Building a Bridge Between “Meaning” and “Application”
We often consider the meaning of a text and the application of a text to be distinct. Is that a biblical distinction?

Aug 9, 20223 min read
God Is the True Promise
Every day of our lives, we are surrounded by promises. Now, I'm not saying you'll hear the words "I promise..." multiple times each day....

Jul 29, 20222 min read
From Being to Doing: An Appreciation of Herman Ridderbos' Contributions to Pauline Theology
Going to seminary has opened up a whole new world of theological scholarship for me. Now, these folks are not new to other people but...

Jul 23, 20225 min read
My Complicated Journey Into Complementarianism
*I want to preface this by saying this is not meant to be an argument for complementarianism over and against egalitarianism. Rather,...

Jul 5, 20223 min read
Preaching As A Means To Encounter Christ
I have heard a lot of sermons in my life. A lot. Whether it’s on a Sunday morning or in a classroom at Moody Bible Institute (I haven’t...

Jun 24, 20224 min read
The Expository Preaching of Christ is the Word of God
In a previous post, I talked about how I have been personally impacted by expository preaching. Though I do have some experience in...

Jun 2, 20222 min read
Three Reasons Why I Love the Westminster Catechisms
The Westminster Standards are among the most well-written theological documents in church history, I am convinced. Of course, that...

May 23, 20222 min read
Tempted Yet Without Sin
Christians cling to Hebrews 4:15. The thought that Jesus endured the temptation that we endure is a source of comfort for grieving,...
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